Funny Show About 3 Men on Conference Call With Beards

  • Still digging

    Over the weekend, the US Supreme Court followed through on its threat, and overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively outlawing abortion in much of the United States. People were outraged, in America and around the world. And in Aotearoa, this meant a lot of sudden questions for the National Party, which ...

    1 hour ago

  • A Breadcrumb of Absence: "Nothing is evil in the beginning…"

    Nothing is evil in the beginning… #TheRingsOfPower— The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) June 27, 2022 We have ourselves a new breadcrumb (not a leak!) out of The Rings of Power. It is a fifteen second collection of clips from the original teaser-trailer, together ...

    3 hours ago

  • A Note of Caution.

    The repeal of Roe vs Wade by the US Supreme Court is part of a broader "New Conservative" agenda financed by reactionary billionaires like Peter Thiel, Elon Mush, the Kochs and Murdochs (and others), organised by agitators like Steve Bannon and Rodger Stone and legally weaponised by Conservative (often Catholic) ...

    22 hours ago

  • An Act Of National Self-Harm.

    A Dangerous Leap Backwards: A United States forced to live by the beliefs and values of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries cannot hope to go on leading the "Free World", or compete economically with nations focused fearlessly on the future. The revocation of Roe v. Wade represents the American republic's most ...

    1 day ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the Roe v Wade aftermath

    Now that the right of US women to abortion (formerly protected by Roe v Wade) has been abolished, the important role of medication-induced abortion will come even more to the fore. Already, research by the Guttmacher Institute reproductive rights centre shows that over half of US abortions are obtained ...

    1 day ago

  • Two steps forward, one step back

    The government is finally moving to improve transparency over party finances, lowering the donation disclosure threshold to $5,000. This is a good move, though it doesn't go as far as it should. And of course, there's a nasty twist: The rules for larger donations are also changing. Presently parties ...

    1 day ago

  • Why should Ukraine listen to lame duck Boris Johnson?

    A rare exposure in Western media of the fact that many residents of the Donbass prefer Russian rule to Ukrainian ultranationalist rule. I don't know why anyone would take advice from UK's lame duck Prime Minister and well-known buffoon Boris Johnson seriously, but he ...

    1 day ago

  • Geoffrey Miller: Can Jacinda Ardern's starpower save New Zealand's free trade deal with the EU?

    Jacinda Ardern will need to deploy every aspect of her starpower if she is to have any hope of rescuing New Zealand's faltering free trade negotiations with the European Union (EU). The Prime Minister has branded each of her four foreign trips so far this year as 'trade missions' – ...

    1 day ago

  • 2022 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #25

    2 days ago

  • Roe V Wade ruling shows why abortion is the answer to so many questions about US politics

    It was sometime in the late 1990s that I first interviewed Alan Webster about New Zealand's part in a global Values Study. It's a fascinating snapshot of values in countries all over the world and I still remember seeing America grouped with many developing countries on a spectrum that had ...

    3 days ago

  • The First Matariki

    Today marks Matariki, the first "new" New Zealand public holiday since Waitangi Day was added in 1974. Officially the start of the Maori New Year, this is one of those moveable beasties – much like Easter, the dates will vary from year to year, anywhere from mid-June to ...

    4 days ago

  • SHOCK! HORROR! The New Zealand Economy is in Recession!!!!! Or are we?

    The takeaways from the just released data are: 1. Any estimate of GDP is subject to error. 2. The 0.2 percent decrease in the March 2022 quarter is not precise and will be revised, with the mild likelihood that it will eventually be higher. 3. New Zealand has no 'official' definition of a ...

    4 days ago

  • Matariki: Thoughts and Questions.

    Guided By The Stars? This gift of Matariki, then, what will be made of it? Can a people spiritually unconnected to anything other than their digital devices truly appreciate the relentless progress of gods and heroes across the heavens? The elders of Maoridom must wonder. Can Te Ao Māori be ...

    4 days ago

  • Of Silmarillion Elves, Pavlova, and Motorcycles: Testing an AI

    The internet is a wonderful thing sometimes. Yesterday, I ran across an AI program that generates images via prompt: So I have been doing the logical thing with it. Getting it to generate Silmarillion characters in bizarre situations. Morgoth playing golf, and so forth. But one thing I ...

    5 days ago

  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #25 2022

    Stashing renewable energy Do a little internet sleuthing on renewable energy via your favorite search engine and you'll find some honest critique and much more dishonest misinformation (aka disinformation) to the effect that photovoltaic and wind generation are fickle energy supplies, over-abundant in some periods and absent in others. There's ...

    5 days ago

  • Bryce Edwards: Wealthy can buy access to power – and politicians don't want this changed

    The current New Zealand First Foundation trial in the High Court continues to show why reform is required when it comes to money in politics. The juicy details coming out each day show private wealth being funnelled into some peculiar schemes in an attempt to circumvent the Electoral Act. Yet ...

    5 days ago

  • Ideology and Foreign Investment

    As in so many other areas of public policy, attitudes towards overseas investment in New Zealand – and anywhere, for that matter – boil down in the end to ideology. For proponents of the "free market", there is really no issue. The market, in their view, must never be second-guessed; ...

    5 days ago

  • Media Link: "A View from Afar" on NATO and BRICS Leader's summits.

    Selwyn Manning and I discussed the upcoming NATO Leader's summit (to which NZ Prime Minister Ardern is invited), the rival BRICS Leader's summit and what they could mean for the Ruso-Ukrainian Wa and beyond. ...

    5 days ago

  • From "Friend", To "Threat" – In Just Five Years.

    New Zealand's Most Profitable"Friend" Dangerous "Threat": This country's "Five Eyes" partners, heedless of the economic consequences for New Zealand, have cajoled and bullied its political class into becoming Sinophobes. They simply do not care that close to 40 percent of this country's trade is with China.  As far as Washington, London, ...

    5 days ago

  • A Tale As Old As Time: Musings on the 'Corporatisation' of Tolkien

    I have seen some natter around about how The Rings of Power represents the undue and unholy corporatisation of J.R.R. Tolkien. I won't point out examples, but anyone who has seen YouTube commentary has a pretty good grasp of what I am talking about – the sentiment that ...

    6 days ago

  • Uncomfortable Comparisons: If Labour's Harking Back To 2017, Then It's Not Looking For A Win.

    2017's Queenmaker: Five years ago, Winston Peters' choice ran counter to New Zealand's informal, No. 8 wire, post-MMP constitution, which, up until 2017, had decreed that the party with the most votes got to supply the next prime minister. Had National not been in power for the previous 9 years, it ...

    6 days ago

  • Treasury is ignoring long covid

    I've read some bad stuff about long covid recently, and Marc Daalder's recent Newsroom piece about what endemic covid means for Aotearoa got me wondering about whether the government was thinking about it. Mass-disability due to long covid has obvious implications for health and welfare spending, as well as for ...

    6 days ago

  • A perfect example

    Last year, a stranded kiwi criticised the MIQ system. Covid Minister Chris Hipkins responded by doxxing and defaming her. Now, he's been forced to apologise for that: Minister Chris Hipkins has admitted he released incorrect and personal information about journalist Charlotte Bellis, after she criticised the managed isolation system. ...

    6 days ago

  • Gil-galad is an Elven Chad: An Ode to the Leaks

    Gil-galad is an Elven Chad Gil-galad is an Elven Chad But Celebrimbor makes them mad Digesting leaks from Amazon Of Isildur and Pharazôn. The hair is short? The knives are keen. The beardless face of Dwarven Queen? With meteor and man-not-named The fandom temper is inflamed. Of Annatar ...

    6 days ago

  • Dear striking British workers: F___ You! Love, the Labour Party

    From the desk of Keir "Patriotic Duty" Starmer:"We have robust lines. We do not want to see these strikes to go ahead with the resulting disruption to the public. The government have failed to engage in any negotiations. "However, we also must show leadership and to that end, please be reminded ...

    7 days ago

  • Why the Ombudsman should not oversee Oranga Tamariki

    7 days ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the fate of Julian Assange

    Has swapping Scott Morrison for Anthony Albanese made any discernible difference to Australia's relations with the US, China, the Pacific and New Zealand ? Not so far. For example: Albanese has asked for more time to "consider" his response to New Zealand's long running complaints about the so called "501" ...

    1 week ago

  • What it would take for U.S. to meet its Paris commitment

    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections The Biden administration in April 2021 dramatically ratcheted up the country's greenhouse gas emissions reductions pledge under the Paris target, also known as its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The Obama administration in 2014 had announced a commitment to cut U.S. emissions 26-28% below 2005 levels ...

    1 week ago

  • An admission of guilt

    1 week ago

  • Tauranga: A Predictable Result, With A Warning Attached.

    Walking On Sunshine: National's Sam Uffindell cantered home in the Tauranga By-Election, but the Outdoors & Freedom Party's Sue Grey attracted an ominous level of support. THE RIGHT'S gadfly commentator, Matthew Hooton, summed up the Tauranga by-election in his usual pithy fashion. "Tonight's result is poor for the National Party, catastrophic for ...

    1 week ago

  • Nurtured by and dedicated to te reo Māori

    Te reo Māori is Dr. Anaha Hiini's life purpose. Raised by his grandparents, Kepa and Maata Hiini, Anaha of Ngāti Tarāwhai, Tūhourangi, Ngāti Whakaue descent made a promise at the age of six to his late grandmother, Maata Hiini. "I've always had a passion for Māori culture.  My first inspiration ...

    1 week ago

  • Striving for recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi motivates Dr Carwyn Jones

    1 week ago

  • Geoffrey Miller: Tale of two summits – why Jacinda Ardern said no to the Commonwealth, but yes to ...

    Jacinda Ardern's decision to attend the upcoming North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Spain – but to skip the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Rwanda – symbolises the changes she is making to New Zealand foreign policy. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) starts today in ...

    1 week ago

  • 2022 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #24

    1 week ago

  • What is the Medium-Term Future for the New Zealand Economy?

    The outlook does not look that promising. Forecasting an economy is a mug's game. The database on which the forecasts are founded is incomplete, out-of-date, and subject to errors, some of which will be revised after the forecasts are published. (No wonder weather-forecasting is easier.) One often has to adopt ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Ram raids then and now

    by Don Franks It seems that almost each day now another ram raid shatters someone's shop front and loots the premises. Prestigious Queen street is not immune, while attacks on small dairies have long stopped being headline news.  Those of us not directly affected are becoming numbed to this form ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Labour: $1 million a year is "too much" for transparency

    2 weeks ago

  • Sciblogs gave scientists a platform before social media took over

    It's hard to believe that when we created Sciblogs in 2009, the iPhone was only two years old, being a 'Youtuber' wasn't really a thing and Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok didn't exist. But Science blogging was a big thing, particularly in the United States, where a number of scientists had ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bidding farewell to Sciblogs

    For 13 years, Sciblogs has been a staple in New Zealand's science-writing landscape. Our bloggers have written about a vast variety of topics from climate change to covid, and from nanotechnology to household gadgets. But sadly, it's time to close shop. Sciblogs will be shutting down on 30 June. When ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Jacinda Ardern's Radical Reshuffle.

    Radical Options: By allocating the Broadcasting portfolio to the irrepressible, occasionally truculent, leader of Labour's Māori caucus, Willie Jackson, the Prime Minister has, at the very least, confirmed that her appointment of Kiri Allan was no one-off. There are many words that could be used to describe Ardern's placement of ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Protecting Freedom/Preventing Harm. Can New Zealand's New Chief Censor Do Both?

    A Delicate Juggler? The new Chief Censor, Ms Caroline Flora, owes New Zealand a comprehensive explanation of how she sees, and how she proposes to carry out, her role. Where, for example, is her duty to respect and protect the citizen's right to freedom of expression positioned in relation to ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the Penny Wong visit

    Good grief. Has foreign policy commentary really devolved to the point where our diplomatic effort is being measured by how many overseas trips have been taken by our Foreign Minister? Weird, but apparently so. All this week, a series of media policy wonks have been invidiously comparing how many trips ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Skeptical Science tackles 'discourses of climate delay' and 'solutions denial'

    Where we've been Time flies. This coming summer will mark 15 years of Skeptical Science focusing its effort on "traditional" climate science denial. Leaving aside frivolities,  we've devoted most of our effort to combatting "serious" denial falling into a handful of broad categories of fairly crisp misconceptions: "radiative physics is wrong," "geophysics is ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #24 2022

    Mercenary army of bogus skeptics on parade Because they're both squarely centered in the Skeptical Science wheelhouse, this week we're highlighting two articles from our government and NGO section, where we collect high-quality articles not originating in academic research but featuring many of the important attributes of journal publications. Our mission ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Media Link: AVFA on Latin America.

    In the latest episode of AVFA Selwyn Manning and I discuss the evolution of Latin American politics and macroeconomic policy since the 1970s as well as US-Latin American relations during that time period. We use recent elections and the 2022 Summit of the Americas as anchor points. ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Another referendum in Scotland?

    The Scottish government has announced plans for another independence referendum: Nicola Sturgeon plans to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence in October next year if her government secures the legal approval to stage it. Angus Robertson, the Scottish government's constitution secretary, said that provided ample time to pass ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Something is wrong in Tauranga

    2 weeks ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the price tag for closer US military ties

    So far, the closer military relationship envisaged by Jacinda Ardern and Joseph Biden at their recent White House meeting has been analysed mainly in terms of what this means for our supposedly "independent" foreign policy. Not much attention has been paid to what having more interoperable defence forces might mean ...

    2 weeks ago

  • The most reliable hurricane models, based on their 2021 performance

    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters For those puzzling over the various hurricane computer forecast models to figure out which one to believe, the best answer is: Don't believe any of them. Put your trust in the National Hurricane Center, or NHC, forecast. Although an individual ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Proactive release: The documents

    2 weeks ago

  • Young people care about things that matter

    2 weeks ago

  • Applying genomics to the taxonomic dilemma of threatened albatrosses

    By Imogen Foote (Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington) A lack of consensus among international conservation regimes regarding albatross taxonomy makes management of these ocean roaming birds tricky. My PhD research aims to generate whole genome data for some of our most threatened albatrosses in a first attempt ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Misusing Tolkien and History: Loconte and Bellicosity

    2 weeks ago

  • A durable U.S. climate strategy … or a house of cards?

    2 weeks ago

  • New look, but can Labour find a new focus?

    Well, if that's "minor" I'd be interested to see what a major reshuffle looks like.Jacinda Ardern has reminded New Zealand of the steel behind the spin in her cabinet refresh announced today. While the Prime Minister stressed that the changes were "triggered" by Kris Faafoi and Trevor Mallard and their ...

    2 weeks ago

  • The stench of corruption

    A company gives a large amount of money to a political party because they are concerned about law changes which might affect their business model. And lo and behold, the changes are dumped, and a special exemption written into the law to protect them. Its the sort of thing we ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Beating The Gangs.

    Active Shooters: With more than two dozen gang-related drive-by shootings dominating (entirely justifiably) the headlines of the past few weeks, there would be something amiss with our democracy if at least one major political party did not raise the issues of law and order in the most aggressive fashion. (Photo ...

    2 weeks ago

  • The Recession New Zealand Has To Have?

    Going Down? Governments also suffer in recessions and depressions – just like their citizens. Slowing economic activity means fewer companies making profits, fewer people in paid employment, fewer dollars being spent, and much less revenue being collected. With its own "income" shrinking, the instinct of most government's is to sharply ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Gordon Campbell on the flaws in National's pet solution to gangs and poverty

    In the 50 years since Norm Kirk first promised to take the bikes off the bikies, our politicians have tried again and again to win votes by promising to crack down on gangs. Canterbury University academic Jarrod Gilbert (an expert on New Zealand's gang culture) recently gave chapter and verse ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Macho chest-beating won't tame the gangs, but Poto Williams' "softly, softly" approach just ...

    Misdirection: New Zealanders see burly gang members, decked out in their patches, sitting astride their deafening motorcycles, cruising six abreast down the motorway as frightened civilians scramble to get out of their way, and they think these guys are the problem. Fact is, these guys represent little more than the misdirection ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Geoffrey Miller: Why is New Zealand's defence minister visiting South Korea?

    New Zealand's defence minister, Peeni Henare, has had a very busy first half of the year. In January, Henare was the face of New Zealand's relief effort to Tonga, following the eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai volcano. Then, from March onwards, Henare was often involved in Jacinda Ardern's announcements ...

    2 weeks ago

  • 2022 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #23

    2 weeks ago

  • Intersectional? Or sectarian?

    James Heartfield wrote this article on intersectionalism and its flaws nine years ago. He noted on Twitter: "Looking back, these problems got worse, not better." Published 17 November 2013. Is self-styled revolutionary Russell Brand really just a 'Brocialist'? Is Lily Allen's feminist pop-video racist? Is lesbian activist Julie Bindel a ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: NZ First's court trial shows the need for political finance reform

    The New Zealand First donations scandal trial began in the High Court this week. And it's already showing why the political finance laws in this country need a significant overhaul. The trial is the outcome of a high-profile scandal that unfolded in the 2020 election year, when documents were made ...

    2 weeks ago

  • NZME and Trump

    The televised hearings into the storming of the Capitol are revealing to the American public a truth that was obvious to some of us from the outset – that the Trumpian "big lie" about a "stolen" election was part of a determined attempt at a coup that would have been ...

    2 weeks ago

  • Will We Be Thinking Big Again Soon?

    When in 1980 I introduced the term 'Think Big' to characterise the major (mainly energy) projects, I was concerned about the wider issue of state-led development strategies. From that perspective, the 1980s program was not our  first 'think big'. That goes back to Vogel in 1870, who wanted to develop ...

    3 weeks ago

  • One country at a time

    Malaysia will abolish the death penalty: The government has agreed to abolish the mandatory death penalty, giving judges discretion in sentencing. Law minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the decision was reached following the presentation of a report on substitute sentences for the mandatory death penalty, which he presented ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Deeply conflicted

    3 weeks ago

  • Our Least Worse Option.

    We Can Be Heroes: Ukrainian newly-weds pose for the cameras before heading-off to the front-lines. The Russo-Ukrainian War has presented young people with the inescapable reality of heroism. They see Volodymyr Zelensky in his olive-drab T-shirts; they see men and women their own age stepping-up to do their bit. They have ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Schadenfreude

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed the irony of Boris Johnson's desperate attempts to cling onto power.I recall, almost immediately after Jermey Corbyn was elected, a bunch of memes based on the WW2 film Downfall, associating the mild manner Jermey Corbyn with Hitler in his final, ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #23 2022

    Terms and conditions may change For myriad reasons we'd like to think and know that dumping our outmoded and dangerous fossil fuel energy sources may be difficult and may require a lot of investment but that when we're done, it'll be back to business as usual in terms of what ...

    3 weeks ago

  • There needs to be accountability for this

    Yesterday the Supreme Court quashed Alan Hall's conviction for murder, declaring it was a miscarriage of justice. In doing so, the Chief Justice found that "such departures from accepted standards must either be the result of extreme incompetence or of a deliberate and wrongful strategy to secure conviction" - effectively, ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Bryce Edwards: The problem of "blindly following" the US against China

    New Zealand may have finally jumped off its foreign policy tightrope act between China and the US. Last week, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern effectively chose sides, leaping into the arms of the US, at the expense of the country's crucial relationship with China. That's the growing consensus amongst observers of ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Gordon Campbell on Sinai, where it suits us to waive international treaties

    Farmers are currently enjoying the highest prices and payouts in the history of this country. They will never be better placed to acknowledge that their wealth comes on the back of climate-changing emissions and causes serious amounts of water and soil pollution. Costs which everyone else is having to shoulder. ...

    3 weeks ago

  • Drawn

    A ballot for two member's bills was held today, and the following bills were drawn: Electoral (Right to Switch Rolls Freely) Amendment Bill (Rawiri Waititi) Customs and Excise (Child Sex Offender Register Information Sharing) Amendment Bill (Erica Stanford) The first is also covered in Golriz Ghahraman's ...

    3 weeks ago



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